Sour Candy

Sour becomes sweet in your mouth

A sour candy is intentionally created to have a tangy and tart flavor, the sourness creates a mouth-puckering flavor, a sensation you'll want to repeat. Sour candies offer a unique and intense flavor experience, the combination of sweetness and tartness can be a delightful departure from the more common sugary-sweet candies.

One of the best features of sour candies is the variety, they come in various forms, such as gummies, hard candies, powders, and even lollipops, that allows you to choose the type of candy that suits your preferences. If you enjoy experimenting with different tastes and textures, sour candies can be a pretty fun way to add some excitement to your palate, the initial sour burst is often followed by a sweet aftertaste that creates a dynamic flavor journey.

Sour candies have become trendy in a sweet world because of the innovative sour creations. While some people love the boldness of sour candies, others may find them too intense. If you enjoy exploring new taste sensations, giving Colombina sour candies a try will be a fun and flavorful experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of sour candies does Colombina sell?

Colombina offers a diverse selection of sour candies, featuring a unique and delicious assortment. Our range includes sweet and sour candies, chewy treats, gum-filled lollipops, and tongue-painting Bon Bon Bum lollipops.

What is the regular price of Colombina sour candy?

Our sour candy is available in various presentations, offering a range of prices to accommodate different preferences and budgets.

If I order my Colombina sour candy today, when will I receive my package?

Once your order is placed, we begin processing immediately to ensure you have your package at home as soon as possible.